Friday, February 25, 2005

Lay awake, I don't give a shit, if I even ever wake up in the morning. isn't exactly going well. In short, fuck people.

At least yesterday was a semi-alright day. Miri and I received our 90-day evaluations and only 2 weeks late, but we're getting retro pay so I can't complain....too much. The residents commented on how tidy my uniform always is and how clean-cut I look; I didn't know I was in a beauty pageant, but this is the second job I've had where the residents actually comment on how nice my shirts look. Miri and I did excellent, we get evaluated again in November which will be our one year anniversary!

We get to wear jeans at work today...that's the highlight of my day, pathetic eh?

I'm bored. Someone entertain me.



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